

A delegate is someone you select to make governance decisions on your behalf, while retaining full ownership of your tokens. You can delegate to anyone or select an active delegate below. You can change your delegation any time.

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Surgery[a] is a medical or dental specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a person to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function, appearance, or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. The act of performing surgery may be called a surgical procedure, operation, or simply "surgery". In this context, the verb "operate" means to perform surgery. The adjective surgical means pertaining to surgery; e.g. surgical instruments or surgical nurse. The person or subject on which the surgery is performed can be a person or an animal. A surgeon is a person who practices surgery and a surgeon's assistant is a person who practices surgical assistance. A surgical team is made up of the surgeon, the surgeon's assistant, an anaesthetist, a circulating nurse and a surgical technologist. Surgery usually spans from minutes to hours, but it is typically not an ongoing or periodic type of treatment. The term "surgery" can also refer to the place where surgery is performed, or, in British English, simply the office of a physician,[1] dentist, or veterinarian.

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OG Ape since May 2021.

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About Me: Medical doc (MD) with 2 previous digital health start-ups (web 2) that were successfully acquired. I have been building applications for the health sector for over 10 years, which is one of the most difficult industries due to complicated regulations that are constantly in lux, entrenched incumbents, and a heavy need for marketing to drive adoption given that potential users often do not fully appreciate the complexity of the problems they face. I believe Web 3 in its current state is facing similar difficulties and I hope to contribute some experience in this regard. NFTs with the BAYC in specifically the days following the MAYC mint were my first true rabbit hole into web 3 which led me to appreciate the potential and ethos of web 3. At a personal level, I view web 3 as a potential avenue to address some of the maligned incentive mechanisms in healthcare and empower individuals/patients in optimizing their health. Even beyond healthcare there is tremendous potential for web 3 to empower individuals in an increasingly corporatized world in which systems are increasingly rigged against the individual. However, I find that the bulk of existing products are more focused on infrastructure and attempts at building applications have struggled to sustain beyond initial pilots. Scaling up beyond regulations, driving adoption among users that require heavy adoption, and identifying avenues for rapid market penetration with sustainable growth loops for sustained traction are things that I can help with. Brief headline about yourself (max 2 sentences): Professional tinkerer, hobbyist NFT trader and enjoyoor. Reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I hope to support the broader adoption of web 3 and the ethos of individual empowerment. I aim to achieve this by contributing to help navigate complicated regulations, educating prospective users to drive adoption, and developing strategies to scale-up pilots early in product/project inception. My web3 qualifications / skills: Contributor to healthcare research in $Ocean DAO and developer of various web3 applications that are currently being incubated in Singapore, such as a Metaverse-based digital health tool for scalable eye screening to prevent blindness ( ). What voters can expect of me: Constructive feedback with a side of trolling

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I treat $APE Treasury like my own money and am a daily contributor on the apecoin forum. In '21 I worked as a venture partner at Stacks Accelerator (bitcoin L2), selecting from hundreds of applicants and then mentoring founders we accepted. I am good at distinguishing authentic builders from money-grabbing opportunists (of which there are many in crypto).

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BendDAO is the first NFT liquidity protocol supporting instant NFT-backed loans, Collateral Listing, and NFT Down Payment. The seamless experience of down payment, borrowing, and listing creates a perfect closed loop for users, a one-stop NFT liquidity solution.

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We are Mocaverse, Animoca Brands’ first flagship membership NFT collection, designed to bridge the web3 ecosystem with Animoca Brands' network of more than 400 web3 portfolio companies and partners. Mocaverse's collection of 8888 NFTs is in the hands of a decentralized community, while the NFTs in the Mocaverse treasury will not be used for voting. Mocaverse as an ApeCoin DAO governance delegate will foster further decentralization of the ApeCoin community and co-creation with other communities. By seeding a delegation of 6 million $APE to our Mocaverseape.eth wallet, such voting rights will be decentralized to the Mocaverse community. Once Moca holders cast their votes on ApeCoin DAO proposals via the Moca Snapshot, the Mocaverse team will use our Mocaverseape.eth wallet to vote on behalf of the Mocaverse community on ApeCoin Snapshot. The Mocaverse community and advocates comprise the brightest minds in the web3 space, including Yat Siu (Animoca Brands), Sebastien Borget (The Sandbox), Aleksander Larsen (Axie Infinity), Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon), and more. We believe this strategic decision will not only bring wider decentralization to the ApeCoin DAO governance but also empower Mocaverse holders to actively engage with ApeCoin DAO proposals and co-create with the APE community for an open metaverse.

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the my project in zx acc.

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hello, this is a test delegate profile, pls don't delegate to me <3

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We are mcemissary.eth, a dedicated group formed within the vibrant Mutant Cartel community. Our team is committed to representing the voices and interests of Mutant Cartel members in the ApeCoin DAO. We strive to bridge the gap between our unique community and the broader Web3 ecosystem, leveraging the collective strength and diversity of our members. Our motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO governance delegate is rooted in our belief in decentralized decision-making and community empowerment. We recognize the critical role that ApeCoin plays in the Web3 space and are committed to ensuring that the Mutant Cartel's unique perspective is heard and considered in shaping the future of ApeCoin and its ecosystem. Our team is composed of individuals with a wide range of experiences in the Web3 domain. Our collective skill set is varied and comprehensive, enabling us to approach the complexities of the ApeCoin DAO with a broad and informed perspective. This diversity of expertise and knowledge positions us uniquely to effectively understand, analyze, and contribute to the evolving landscape of the ApeCoin DAO. Voters can expect transparency, dedication, and proactive engagement from mcemissary.eth. We will: Regularly communicate with the Mutant Cartel community to gather insights and opinions on ApeCoin DAO proposals. Ensure that our votes reflect the collective will and best interests of our community. Provide clear rationales for our voting decisions, fostering understanding and trust. Stay informed about the latest developments in the ApeCoin DAO and the broader Web3 ecosystem, ensuring that our community's representation is well-informed and forward-thinking. By entrusting mcemissary.eth as your delegate, you are empowering a team that is deeply invested in the success and growth of both the Mutant Cartel and the ApeCoin DAO. Together, we can shape a more inclusive, decentralized, and vibrant future in the Web3 world.

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Hey Madam this is Mark.A

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Hi, I'm coolmatt

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Merhaba, Ben ERHAN ÜNAL. Türkiye'de yaşayan bir kripto para fenomeniyim. Büyük bir APE yatırımcısıyım ve elimden gelen tüm faydayı sağlamak istiyorum.

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Small apes together = big apes

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AAC delegate making sure smaller voices get heard

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Trust me bro

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It's good to delegate

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Bored Chili community

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