A delegate is someone you select to make governance decisions on your behalf, while retaining full ownership of your tokens. You can delegate to anyone or select an active delegate below. You can change your delegation any time.
As a web3 builder and entrepreneur who cares about DAOs, I'm eager to be an ApeCoin DAO governance delegate. I believe in active participation and voting to ensure our voices are heard. If you're short on time, consider delegating your votes to a trusted member who will make fair decisions in the best interest of the ApeCoin DAO. Let's work together to shape a flourishing DAO community.
Reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am passionate about contributing to the growth and development of the web3 community. I believe in the power of decentralized technologies to create a more transparent and equitable world, and I want to play a role in shaping the future of this space. My web3 qualifications/skills: I have a strong background in blockchain technology and decentralized applications. I am proficient in smart contract development, blockchain protocols, and decentralized finance. I have a track record of successfully implementing web3 solutions and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field. What voters can expect of me: Voters can expect dedication, transparency, and integrity from me as a delegate. I will work tirelessly to represent the interests of the community, advocate for innovative solutions, and promote collaboration among stakeholders. I will prioritize open communication, listen to feedback, and strive to make informed decisions that benefit the web3 ecosystem as a whole.
We are Mocaverse, Animoca Brands’ first flagship membership NFT collection, designed to bridge the web3 ecosystem with Animoca Brands' network of more than 400 web3 portfolio companies and partners. Mocaverse's collection of 8888 NFTs is in the hands of a decentralized community, while the NFTs in the Mocaverse treasury will not be used for voting. Mocaverse as an ApeCoin DAO governance delegate will foster further decentralization of the ApeCoin community and co-creation with other communities. By seeding a delegation of 6 million $APE to our Mocaverseape.eth wallet, such voting rights will be decentralized to the Mocaverse community. Once Moca holders cast their votes on ApeCoin DAO proposals via the Moca Snapshot, the Mocaverse team will use our Mocaverseape.eth wallet to vote on behalf of the Mocaverse community on ApeCoin Snapshot. The Mocaverse community and advocates comprise the brightest minds in the web3 space, including Yat Siu (Animoca Brands), Sebastien Borget (The Sandbox), Aleksander Larsen (Axie Infinity), Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon), and more. We believe this strategic decision will not only bring wider decentralization to the ApeCoin DAO governance but also empower Mocaverse holders to actively engage with ApeCoin DAO proposals and co-create with the APE community for an open metaverse.
I’m a dedicated advocate for decentralized governance with a strong focus on the APE ecosystem. My goal is to represent token holders with transparency and integrity, ensuring all voices are heard. With extensive experience in blockchain, DeFi, and DAO governance, I’m well-prepared to navigate the web3 landscape and serve the APE community. Voters can expect clear communication, thoughtful decision-making, and a commitment to the community’s long-term success.
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Tokimi, holder of BAYC #9292, has been actively engaged in the Web3 space since 2017. Creator of MadeByApes #00096 Darkforest, I blend technical expertise with creative vision. My primary goal is to delegate my cold wallet ApeCoins. However, if my approach and vision resonate with you, I welcome your delegation to support thoughtful governance. As an Engineer, Designer, and Exhibition Planner, I possess a unique combination of technical acumen and creative design, enabling me to navigate the Web3 ecosystem effectively. My focus will be on voting for key events that align with our collective interests. I value personal connections and objective analysis in decision-making, ensuring a balanced and thoughtful approach to governance.